Dads, Grandpas, Uncles & Brothers
Join the Moss Park Elementary
Golden Eagles!
The Golden Eagles is a group of men (dads, grandpas, uncles, brothers, etc - 18yrs or older) who want to make a positive impact at Moss Park. The goal of the Golden Eagles is to provide a way for the men of MPE to volunteer at school, in the classroom or at special events. The men that join will have the opportunity to positively influence their own children and be a role model for others with their participation.
A listing of Golden Eagles opportunities will be posted on as they become available.
Click here to join now!
REQUIRED - To volunteer for any activities in the school or in the classroom, you must be “ADDitions” approved each year by Orange County Public Schools. This is for the protection of all children at school. To apply online, visit the OCPS ADDitions page. Applications can take a couple of weeks to process and typically open AFTER August 1st each school year.